El toledo Organic Coffee plantation Tour, Welcome!

El Toledo Coffee Tour

(with reservation only)
Organic coffee tour

We are a very small Coffee farm, the operation is manage by the family, Gerardo, Sole y Raul and Gabriel and Ivette, and Now Samanta & Isabella. We have nothing but the coffee we produce, so do not expect big buildings at all! Our coffee tour is educational. We want to show you how we work with nature instead of against it!

1.5 hours Tour, walking through the plantation and learning about coffee and nature! Coffee tasting, Wine Tasting, roasting and brewing! 
Children under 10 years old don't pay!
Why are we cheaper than others?
We believe in education, that's the key to our future! and we are small, and we do the tour ourselves, so cheaper but not less informative!

Watch this video to know more about us, it was made by a student who came here few years ago: 
Or, watch this other video taken by Peter Greenberg. He came to the farm, shot a video of it, and publish it for free, so thanks to him we can get the message in this way to many more people!

All tours only under reservation!!

To start booking click here: How to book our coffee tour!
We appreciate your understanding about the booking! We are always willing to share our operation! But with an appointment
Coffee tour
This is a coffee tour that has a lot more than just coffee!
Permaculture farming is the main idea we want to share.
it means we have a lot more.
Try different kinds of tropical fruits right from the tree.
sugar cane tour

Have you ever grind sugar cane? 
There are times of the year you can do that.           
Volunteer working at coffee farm    Work with us! help even just for one day! We are doing this way of farming not because this is more profitable, it's because it's the right thing to do! but it's really more difficult! So there is a volunteer program as well that allow you to learn more!
Voluntiring a coffee farm

Picking coffee, that's just 3 months in year! But it does not mean we are free the rest of the year!
There's always something to do!!

Coffee is stored and then we need to be processing it during the year, and the farm needs to be prepared for next year! 
FARMER'S Markets used to be our way of selling. But, because of Covid 19 we are doing Delivery instead.



Want to know friend's experience Visit at the farm, go to Going like sixty! And discover how they like it.

This is a video of what you would not see if you come here! We name our farm after this bird, it can only be seen if we look for it near the river area! Birdwatching options can be arranged.

We have a Channel in You Tube where you can see all videos that have something to do with us!
click here

Toledo Coffee Tour

Para español haga click aquí
This is a project to educate about how to understand nature better and work with it! This Coffee Farm is a family owned business, and more than a business a way of life that we want to share with our visitors!
this coffee tour is simple, humble, but shows what we do with our heart! this is not a webpage, this is a blog created by Willina; a volunteer that we had in the farm! thanks her we can get our message to you!
Toledo coffee is a proyect  of production in harmony with the environment. Trying to use all the resources require in the most minimum way and without an impact to nature! To be able to reach this objective it is necessary a lot of changes, the first of all, ~a different way of living~ we cannot think that the most important thing is the money, because our health, our future, and the environment are priceless! 
coffee tour

Once we achieved this change, the next step is matter of understand and open our eyes to everything we do in order to preserve our future and our health. In another words, avoiding to use that one thing that harm our health and put in risk our future! One of the main aspects to understand is nature, as simple and as complicated as it is! Nature acts wisely. it is able to make everything grow in harmony, however, when we try to control everything in our own way, we break all those functions using techniques that would make more problems instead of doing better! 

Toledo Coffee Farm Tour
Did you know people can grow organic products and still be against the environment? 

We've learnt so many things in our 20 years experience that we want to share with you! Now, all the production is NOT only using the standards of the organic certification we have. It's using the standards of nature to work with and not against it as organic certifications allow us to! 

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